Start your day on a positive note.

"Positive thinking is a wonderful thing. Having a Positive Attitude is a Fabulous thing".

I wanted to see if I used the power of positive thinking everyday for two weeks, how would my days go? I would start my days saying out loud as well as to myself with the affirmation "Today is going to be a fabulous day and everything is going to go my way" I would repeat it over and over from five to sometimes twenty times.

For those two weeks I would have to say my days were pretty fabulous. I felt great, my days went smooth and it everything did go my way. Even though I didn't want to stop my new found fabulous attitude, I had to finish my experiment. So I stopped.

Right away things started going wrong. On the way to my daughter's school, we ran into traffic which caused her to be late to school. This then caused me to be late to my meeting. I do not like being late. Oh how I wanted to blurt out the words "today is going to be a fabulous day and everything is going to go my way!" But I bit my tongue literally and it hurt. The rest of the day didn't get any better. That night I told my self this experience is over.

The next day I started my day with my favorite new affirmation. I've been saying it everyday ever since. I now even say midday "I'm having a fabulous day"!

Try this experiment yourself. Let us know how it worked for you.

I still start my day with positive affirmations. The one I say now is "Today is going to be a Fabulous Day. I have a Fabulous Life. I am Fabulous!".
