I'm happy to say the holidays are over for me. I just went on the scale to see the damage and I'm happy to report only two pounds gained. I haven't exercised in over a week and with all the not so healthy eating and a few cocktails I thought it was going to be more. Why is it when the holidays come around I tell myself it's OK to eat all the junk I want - it's the holidays? Or it's OK not to exercise - it's the holidays. Well they are over now and no more excuses. I need to get back on track. I have the Bet Your MASS off Weight Loss Challenge that ends the first week in February and I'm going to Vegas with my girlfriends for my 40th in a couple weeks. More important I feel frumpy when I don't exercise and I do not like that feeling. Oh and another thing why do I have such a hard time getting my eight glasses of water in a day in the winter time? I should be drinking more water with the heater on. I can feel the heat sucking the moisture out of my body. So not good.