Anytime Exercises

So, I've been trying out a new way to get some exercise in without actually setting a block of time to do it. I just started it on Monday and my legs are feeling it today.

I’m the type of person that if I don’t go to the gym or do any of my exercise tapes first thing in the morning. I just don’t get around to doing it. I’m already dressed for the day, I’m just too busy now, I’m too tired. The excuses continue….

I’ve been trying to fit in as many different exercise moves that I can think of while doing my everyday things.

♥ While I wash the dishes I’ve been doing squats (why my legs are sore).
♥ While waiting for things to download on my computer I do air punches.
♥ While watching TV I’ll do some arm exercises with my hand weights. As well as few different cardio moves. Jumping Jacks, Leg lifts, running in place. I usually do it on my mini trampoline.
♥ While putting groceries away I’ll lift the heavy items, like I‘m lifting my hand weights several time before putting the item away.
♥ I do my stretching in bed. I try to do it first thing in the morning and right before I go to sleep.
♥ My favorite thing to do is just start dancing with my daughter. We always end up out of breath and laughing. Best way to put a smile our faces.

Does anyone else have any great exercises or tips I can add to my “Anytime Exercise” list?


Debbie said…
Following you from friendly friday. Love the exercise ideas. Stop on by and say hello.
Brianne said…
I'm going to definitely try some of Sometimes I feel like chores are a workout in themselves, but doing squats while dishes is great!
missykade said…
Following, please follow back if you haven't already : )
Have a great day!

Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder
Sherri said…
great ideas. I'm now following you also.