Care for the Hair

During this busy Holiday month don't forget to care for the Hair.

Natural Deep Conditioning Treatments for your Hair

Hair professionals suggest you deep condition your hair once a week. I totally agree. My hair looks and feels fabulous ever since I started deep conditioning it once a week.

I have tried several at home recipes (no need to buy the expensive stuff or to go to your hair dressers to get it done. Unless of course you enjoy going to your hair dressers for the deep conditioning treatments).

Here are my favorites.

1. Hot Oil (Olive Oil and/or Almond Oil): I sometimes mix the two or I use them separately. Use enough oil to cover your head. It really depends on your hair length and thickness. I put the oils in a small microwave safe bowl and heat it for a few seconds. Oil should be warm not hot. You don’t want to burn your scalp. I know "why do they call it Hot Oil"?

Work the oil into your dry hair. Cover with a shower cap or plastic bag. The take a towel and wrap that around the cap/bag. Leave on for 20 minutes.

Shampoo the oil out and you're done.

Other oils you can use.

Avocado oil

Coconut oil

Jojoba oil

Shea oil

2. Mayonnaise, Olive Oil or Almond Oil and Egg Yolks: I use 1 1/2 Cups room temperature Mayonnaise, 2 Tbsp of oil and 3 egg yolks. ( you may need to adjust the amount of mayonnaise depending on the length and thickness of your hair.) Wisk together.

Apply to dry hair. You can comb it through with a wide tooth comb. Cover with a shower cap or plastic bag (you don’t need to but I do because it can get messy). Leave on for 20 mins.

Shampoo the mixture out and your done.

3. Mayonnaise and Avocado: I use 1 1/2 Cups room temperature Mayonnaise and 1/2 an avocado. Combine the two until smooth and creamy.

Apply to dry hair. You can comb it through with a wide tooth comb. Cover with a shower cap or plastic bag (you don’t need to but I do because it can get messy). Leave on for 20 mins.

Shampoo the mixture out and your done.

4. Hot Oil (Olive Oil and/or Almond Oil) and Egg Yolk. Just like number 1 above but I add two egg yolks (I have long hair. If it was short I would only use 1 yolk).

Remember oils needs to be warm not hot. You’ll end up with scrambled eggs.


Kim Bee said…
Stopping by from the over 40 group. Nice to meet you. Kim
Ruth Govender said…
Great tips.I usually use coconut oil , and leave it on overnight.Shampoo and condition the next day. Result...shiny hair!
