First 30 Day Challenge - Meditate

For the past month I've been waking up with a sore jaw due to sleep bruxism, the clenching of ones jaw and teeth grinding. One of sleep bruxism's possible causes is stress.  I'm pretty sure this has to do with the extra stress due the illness of my dog.

Because of this I've decided that my first months challenge starting August 1st will be - Meditate for 20 minutes everyday for a month. Studies have shown meditation helps ease chronic pain, anxiety, stress, improve heart heath, improves focus, and boost mood and immunity. 

I've meditated off and on before but never consistently. I think the longest I've gone was maybe a couple weeks, if that. With this challenge I'm certain I will make this a life long habit that will be good for me and all that surrounds me.

Following these seven "effective planning and goal setting characteristics" will help me stay on track.

1. Specific: Plan it out.

HowI will use three of my favorite apps. Relax, a 10 minute guided meditation in the morning and Simple Meditation, set at 10 minutes, music only in the afternoon. I also will be using the LIFT app (see lift group below) to check in and to help track my progress. It's also a great motivator.

When - 10 minutes in the am, first thing when I wake up and 10 minutes in the pm, around 3pm. Right when I need a 10 minute breather. I will set my timer on my phone to remind me, if needed. - Challenge starts (for me) August 1st. 

Where - No excuses, since I'm using my favorite apps on my phone and I have a good pair of earphones I will be able to meditate anywhere and at anytime. I won't be able to use the excuse that I can't find a quite spot. 

Why - To put some zen in my life. I also think meditation will help me with the harder challenges that I'll be taking on in the future. Plus my jaw is killing me.  

2. Motivating: See my why above. If that's not motivation then I don't know what is. 

3. Achievable: See my how, when, and where above. Looks pretty achievable to me.

4. Rewarding: See my why above. 

5. Tactical: See my how above. 

6. Evaluated: I will be blogging through out this challenge and I will be evaluating as I go. I also will be checking in on the Lift Group - Meditation 10 minutes twice a day. 

7. Revisable: Yes it is. 

All in all this seems to be the smartest challenge to start with. If you would like to join me in this or any of my future challenges visit my LIFT page to join the challenge(s). 
