Challenges Challenge! Help Me Pick 12!

There comes a time in ones life when you just have to step it up. One of my BIG faults (yes I have them ;)) is sticking with something long enough to fully get the results I want. I either don't have the motivation, I don't see the results I was expecting (quick enough), or I just get bored and lose interest. I've been thinking about what I could do to change that. I've come up with the idea to do "Twelve Months of Challenges." Each month I'll start a new challenge. You know what they say if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit. Well if I do something for 30... I've come up with sixteen ideas I wouldn't mind becoming a habit. 

 Here are the challenge ideas I've came up with. 

1. Dairy Free - No dairy for one month. With all the alternatives out there is should be an easy one.
2. Gluten Free - This one will not be easy.
3. No Red Meat - Easy peasy
4. No Alcohol - This will be a challenge for sure.
5. Sweet (Sugar) Free - Hard but doable.
6. Eat Clean - Eliminate all processed food from my diet. I'm not a big processed foodie to begin with. 
7. 10,000 steps a everyday. - With my Fitbit this will be easy to keep track. The actual walking 10,000 steps will be the challenge.
8. Yoga - Pictures will not be included. ;)
9. Meditation - 20 minutes every day. - I can already feel the calm from this challenge.
10. 1100-1300 Calories a day - This one will be easy. Just finding the time to keep track and enter the food.
11. Only Raw Food for a month - I'm not sure about this one.
12. Farmer Market Challenge - Only eat food from my local farmers market. (food trucks not included).
13. Exercise Challenge - 30 minutes of cardio 6 days a week.
13. Strength Training Challenge - Full body every other day or alternate upper and lower with one day off a week.
14. 30 Day Shred (DVD) Challenge - 6 days a week. This is my favorite workout DVD. 
15. No Carbs after 2 pm Challenge
16. No White Carbs Challenge

This is what I have so far. I would appreciate some more suggestions.


Sarah Leonard said…
Wow - that's some list of challenges. Go you!

I wish you luck with all of those goals - thanks for linking up!

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity
KM said…
Thanks Sarah, but I won't be doing them all. I'm trying to decide which ones to do.
Heather Jones said…
That is a lot to take on. Remember one of the reasons for failure is taking on too much. If I were you, I'd instill one challenge at a time. If you can successfully get thru one, to where it is routine enough you don't have to think about it much, then add on another. Good luck!
KM said…
Thanks Heather. I have no intention on doing all of these and I would never attempt to do them all at once for that matter. These are just ideas of challenges to do. I haven't decided which ones I'll do but I do have a few favorites. :)
You are a much better and braver person than BB. Wishing you much success. Here from the weekend MOHTH blog hop. BB2U